Emily geiger is a lady that went on a mission to deliver a message.Some british soldiers caught her and put her in a room and were going to search her.So she ate the message.Then she made it to the camp and told the message that she had remembered.On her trip to deliver the message she stayed in a house but the people were loyalist so she had to get out of there as soon as she could.Captain Molly is courageous and she believes that people can be whatever they want to be.When she was five her dad was killed and her mom was kidnapped.Sibyl Ludington was a brave lady she would do whatever it takes to keep safe.She went on a trip to get the militia.When there were people trying to attack.She kept them from coming in by disguising her self and her brothers as soldiers.Deborah Samson wanted to be a soldier.She disguised her self as a man.She got shot and went to the hospital.Then she snuck away from the hospital and took care of her self.