Me, Mr Billy Bob Joe,my best friend Skinny Toes Joes and I went to obedience school,and we saw this dog writing a note in the pool.We walked up to him and asked what he was doing.He said he was writing a note to his owner.We hung out alot,and then one day we planned to escape.I asked him what his name was because I had not known yet.He said it was Ike.So the next day we escaped and we saw Ike’s owner.He saved her and everybody cheered,”I like Ike”

Babe Ruth

Babe Ruth was a base ball player.Babe Ruth was born Febuary 6th,1895.He was middle class growing up.He became famous because of his hitting.He threw left handed and batted left handed too.Babe Ruth and I both like to play base ball.He played for the Yankees.We are not alike,he is a chunky monkey.His hobbies were smoking.He is a very hard worker.His best friend was Lou Gerhig.He is very famous,and I hope to be like him some day.

Lake Trout in YellowStone Lake

Lake trout fish are illegal and trying to get rid of them because Lake trout compete with Cutthroat and that stops the whole food chain,(such as bears eagles and otters).My solution is Eliminate the lake trout entirely by  destroying all fish life,and then reintroduce the cutthroat.This would cost between 32 and 181 million.Pros-Reintroduce the cutthroat,32 million not bad,eliminating the lake trout.Cons-destroying all fish life,l8l million  dollars is expensive,you should sale the lake trout instead of killing them.I like the idea you don’t have to but I do.


-James Byrd


Women in the Revolution

Emily geiger is a lady that went on a mission to deliver a message.Some british soldiers caught her and put her in a room and were going to search her.So she ate the message.Then she made it to the camp and told the message that she had remembered.On her trip to deliver the message she stayed in a house but the people were loyalist so she had to get out of there as soon as she could.Captain Molly is courageous and she believes that people can be whatever they want to be.When she was five her dad was killed and her mom was kidnapped.Sibyl Ludington was a brave lady she would do whatever it takes to keep safe.She went on a trip to get the militia.When there were people trying to attack.She kept them from coming in by disguising her self and her brothers as soldiers.Deborah Samson wanted to be a soldier.She disguised her self as a man.She got shot and went to the hospital.Then she snuck away from the hospital and took care of her self.

Patrick Henry poem

One of the founding fathers of the United States of America

He was a powerful voice for independence

He attacked the stamp act

Patrick Henry

His famous speech in 1775

“Give me liberty or give me death”

Served as a member in the first continental congress

  1. I think that we should celebrate MLK day because what he did was very special and we need to do something like that to.You should go to the park or something that helps with community service and pick up trash.Or help your mom and dad.Or actually do your chores for once.Or go to where MLK died and just celebrate what he did.MLK would be proud of you to celebrate him.What will you do for MLK day?Is it going to serve MLK.I want to do something cool when i grow up.I look up to Martin Luther  King jr.😊👍

Midnight Ride

Minutemen where a group of men who where there i a minute of time

It was a light as the signal,one if by land and two if by sea

Determened to not trade with the British and make a milita.

Night of April 18th,1775

Its Paul Revere who came up with a plan.

Going to have to march by foot if one lantern was hung and two if by sea.

Had heard the British were marching to Lexington and Concord and last but not least the old north church

The British are coming!

Revere,Dawes,and Prescott were the three riders

Its some were patriots and the rest were loyalist

Don’t forget this was a long time ago

Every rider tried to go wake up the colonist

Colonial Silversmith

Today at the silver workshop.I had to make a silver cup.First I weighed it.A lot of the stuff I weigh is (VERY) heavy.I pour the smelted iron into a mold called an ingot.That makes it good for storage.Next I had to hammer it,Into its
shape.My hammers have to be in tip top shape.Then was polishing,polishing is probably the hardest part.Finally I have to strike a mark.For the symbol or the initials.My job is hard work,it takes all of that just to make one small cup.I hope my job is just temporary.

Who is William Penn

Who is William Penn

He was a quaker

Founded Pennsylvania

Established liberties and Privileges in 1701

Was an english noblewriter

Was a quaker

Father was a leader of the english navy

Under direction philadelphia was planned and developed

Apart of the Society of friends

Jailed for Blasphemy in the tower of England

He made missionary trips


That is William Penn!